Are you looking for easy and simple ways to develop your psychic abilities but not sure where to start? Then you have come to the right place.

The best ways to develop psychic abilities are to activate the pineal gland, meditate daily, trust your gut, ground yourself, use divination tools, try psychometry, tune into your pets, heal past trauma, meet your guides, try remote viewing, keep a dream journal, practice mindfulness, and join a development class.

I have compiled a list of 20 things you easily include in your daily schedule to develop your intuition in no time. Just commit to 15 minutes a day and allow your psychic abilities to unfold.

1. Activate your pineal gland

20 Tips to Develop Your Psychic Abilities

According to many spiritual traditions, the role of the pineal gland is to bridge the connection between the physical and spiritual realms. So it is necessary to decalcify and activate our pineal gland to accurately receive psychic insights and communicate with the spirit world.

Research shows there is a direct link between fluoride exposure and the calcification of the pineal gland. So, the first step would be to limit fluoride exposure in your water and self-care products.

2. Meditate at least 3 times a week

Meditating is one of the best ways to raise our consciousness, attune our psychic antennas, and connect to the spirit world too. The best meditations to attune the chakras are visualization meditation, and to calm the mind use breath-awareness meditation or guided meditations. To develop mediumship abilities use sitting in the power meditations as these are designed for self-exploration and to elevate our consciousness to meet the spirit realm.

Just 15 minutes of meditation at least 3 times a week can calm the mind, connect us with higher levels of awareness, and improve our overall well-being.

3. Listen to your intuition

Trusting your instincts is a quick and easy way to develop your psychic abilities. Listen to your gut no matter what your mind says! The more we listen to our inner voice or gut instinct the more we will be guided by a higher force in our lives.

Be patient with yourself when you first start off. Remember, most people have been ignoring their inner voice for most of their lives and may find it hard to receive intuitive insights. It is just about remembering how to connect with ourselves, acknowledge what we get, and trust what we receive.

4. ground your energy everyday

Pet Mediums can ground by Connecting With A Tree

Grounding should be a part of everyone’s daily care routine as it is important for our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Grounding ourselves strengthens our psychic skills by amplifying the physical sensations within the body. This is especially important to complete beginners seeking to receive insights more strongly or those who get psychic insights in dribs and drabs.

If you want to start grounding your energy have a read of 35 Grounding Tips for Psychics.

5. Develop with Divination tools

A fun and exciting way to develop your psychic abilities is by using different divination tools such as tarot cards, Lenormand decks, Zener cards, oracles cards, pendulums, runes, and crystals.

If you are looking to get started, I have created a list with the best 27 Tarot Card Decks 11 Best Oracle card decks for beginnersthe Top 20 Oracle decks of all time.

6. Try tuning into your pets

For those of you who are pet parents or simply just love being around animals, why not try tuning into them? Our psychic abilities allow us to receive insights about people and, animals too.

Do a short 10-minute meditation and connect to your pets in spirit. Sense the energy around them, feel their emotions, and listen out for their thoughts.

Have a read of my step-by-step guide to communicating with animals to get you started.

7. Heal and release trauma

Trauma keeps us in a heightened state of arousal and can make us feel anxious and guarded making it difficult for us to sense, hear, see, or perceive things intuitively.

So, if you want to develop your psychic abilities you also need to release physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual trauma. Start by acknowledging your feelings, your emotions, the pain in the body, and liberating yourself of this baggage.

This is the most powerful and empowering way of developing your psychic abilities. Yes, it can be difficult, and feel emotionally overwhelming at times but it is how we ultimately break free from our limited state of being.

Remember that you don’t have to do this alone, you can reach out to spiritual teachers, healers, psychologists, counselors, or anyone else you resonate with to help you.

8. learn about psychic development

20 Tips to Develop Your Psychic Abilities

A great way to get started on your psychic development journey is to educate yourself. Read as many books as you can and watch as many videos as you can.

There are many ways to learn how to develop your intuition, just pick something that feels right for you and fits your budget.

If you are looking to development your intuitive gifts check out my list of the top 10 psychic development books.

9. Get to know your spirit team

The easiest way to meet your spirit guides is during your meditative practice. By connecting with them and asking them questions you can form a strong bond and over time learn how to hear their guidance.

Next time you sit down to meditate, ask your guides to make themselves known and ask them questions. Don’t worry if you don’t hear anything at the beginning or if you doubt the experience, keep practicing

If you are looking to develop your intuitive gifts check out my list of the Top 10 Angel and Spirit Guide books.

10. Try your hand at psychometry

We can develop our psychic abilities by using our hands. There are eight different psychic abilities with one being psychometry, which means receiving intuitive insights by holding or touching a physical object, a person, or an animal.

Practicing psychometry develops all your psychic faculties and with practice, you can receive more specific information.

11. Learn how to see auras

20 Tips to Develop Your Psychic Abilities

Another wonderful way to develop your psychic sense is to sense people’s auras. With some training and practice, everyone can learn to see or sense auras and interpret their meanings.

You can try it right now, hold a plant, and relax your eyes, looking beyond its physical form. Then notice any changes in the field that surrounds it. You may start to notice a light greyish energy field which can then change into different colors.

12. Try remote viewing

Remote viewing is a fun way to stretch your psychic abilities and is best suited to intermediate or advanced psychics. It uses the psychic ability to sense details about an unseen place or distant location without any prior knowledge of it.

This is a mental exercise that can refine and hone your psychic abilities and also develop your mediumship skills.

13. Keep a daily journal

Journaling is a wonderful way to explore your spiritual gifts and receive wisdom and guidance from your higher self. It is a form of self-discovery that can develop your intuitive abilities by quietening the mind, processing emotions, and reducing negative self-talk.

All these are obstacles to hearing our inner guidance and can interfere with our progress.

14. Use energy medicine to align the chakras

Our intuition depends on our ability to sense subtle energies, that which is not perceived through the 5 physical senses. But to do that, our energy centers need to be aligned and our aura must be optimally vibrating.

You can try energy medicine such as channeled healing, trance healing, reiki, shamanic healing, acupuncture, acupressure, and Ayurvedic massages.

We sense the physical and non-physical world through the auric layers, so if there is any trauma it can impact our auric field. Making it overly sensitive or not sensitive enough. The vibration of the aura can also be disrupted if the chakra are vibrating at the wrong frequency. That is why it is important to address the energy blocks and past trauma as part of your spiritual development.

15. Eat high vibrational food

Why you should improve your diet as a medium?

Eating a healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruit is not just important for our physical wellbeing, it also affects our emotional and mental state. According to Dr. Gabriela Cora, a board-certified psychiatrist. “We tend to separate our brain from the rest of our body, but good health means good health from a holistic perspective – from head to toe,”

We receive psychic impressions through the mind, sense through the body, and receive confirmation through our physical bodies. That is why it is so important to eat foods that nourish, support, and improve our overall well-being, our body, mind, and soul.

And as psychics and mediums, our emotional and mental states are particularly important. Through the blending process, we connect to the spirit communicator and allow them to impress information through our minds. If it is not optimally working, then nor will our mediumship.

16. Practice Mindfulness

Develop mediumship

One of the ways we can get more in touch with ourselves is by bringing more moments of awareness and presence into our daily routine. So why is this important? Well, the way we are in our daily lives is also extended to our mediumship practice. If you are someone who is constantly bombarded with thoughts and is unable to relax, you will also feel like that in your mediumship. 

But by adding moments of mindfulness throughout our day, we can shift our attention inward and raise our level of awareness. The more we can connect with this stillness, the easier it is to connect to the spirit world.  

As a reminder, set an alarm as often as possible but at least 3 times a day. Every time you hear the alarm, place your attention on the body and observe any thoughts or emotions. Don’t try to change anything, just stay with that and become aware of the moment. Doing that for just one minute every time the alarm goes off can make a difference. Then as you resume your activities, see how long you can stay connected to the feeling of presence. 

17. Exercise for 60minutes at least twice a week

Exercise improves your psychic abilities

Incorporating exercise into your weekly routine boosts serotonin which helps us relax and quieten the mind. This does not have to be an extraneous exercise. Simply going for a 30-minute walk every day can make a difference. Any form of exercise is good, just stay active.

Studies show that regular exercise supports our mental and emotional well-being. It reduces stress, beats depression, and increases our overall well-being. By improving our mood and mental state, we can more easily enter higher levels of consciousness and quickly connect to the spirit world.

18. Keep a dream journal

Journaling is a great tool for those wanting to grow and spiritually develop. It is a way of exploring our thought patterns, feelings, emotions, and memories. Through reflection, we can identify events and situations that triggered emotions of anger, grief, anxiety, and joy among others. 

However, according to Joshua Smyth, PhD, of Syracuse University, venting about situations verbally or in writing is not enough. We need to revisit our journals to understand and process our emotions. 

This also supports our spiritual growth and releases our emotional baggage. 

Another benefit of journaling is that it also develops the psychic sense of feeling, called clairsentience. And as our emotional awareness sharpens, we learn to detect the nuance of emotions. Over time your readings will become more accurate, and the details brought through will be more precise. 

What is journaling

19. Join a development class

For the newbies out there, I would suggest joining a mediumship class and a development circle. The development class will equip you with the basic working knowledge of mediumship and you will receive feedback from the teacher. The weekly circle provides additional practice and is a great place to refine your skills. But always remember to find a development class or circle that makes you feel comfortable. I would recommend looking for a group that is supportive and offers feedback. 

If you are a bit of a book work like me, check out my “Top 10 recommended books for psychic development”

20. Practice regularly with friends and family

Practice, practice, practice! Developing your psychic intuition takes time and dedication but it is completely worth the effort. All you need to do is set 15 minutes a day to one of the 20 tips and take it one step at a time.

You could practice meditation on Monday, read about psychic development on Tuesdays, Tune into your pet’s thoughts on Wednesday, and so on. Consistency is key but remember to have fun with it. If you don’t enjoy a particular tip, don’t worry, try something else.

Final thoughts

The best way to develop your psychic abilities is to incorporate simple habits that fit into our daily lives. Commit to 5 minutes of meditation a day and gradually increase the time and add incorporate more things into your schedule.

Remember, developing your psychic abilities takes time and practice, but with these tips, you can start building a strong foundation for your spiritual growth. Good luck on your journey!

Thank you for reading, If you found this blog post useful or tried the steps above leave a comment below.

I love hearing about your experiences.

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