Sandra Martinez

Sandra Martinez

Sandra was aware of her spiritual abilities as a child but, it wasn’t until she traveled to India that she began her spiritual journey. During this time, she regularly practices yoga and meditation and enjoys participating in silent retreats.

This experience triggered an inner calling that lies within us all. It taught her to listen to the wisdom and guidance that we can all possess. Her abilities as a psychic medium were recognized by an internationally recognized Vedic Psychic Medium during her travels in India. Despite her interest in learning more, she was drawn to healing and became a Reiki Master and Reconnective Healer. 

However, the spirit realm had other ideas, and after many encounters, she decided to explore her psychic mediumship skills. 

Sandra has had the pleasure of studying with internationally recognized teaches such as Paul Jacobs, Amelia Kinkade, Andy Byng, and Chris Drew. These teachings, alongside her inquisitive mind, have helped her become a channel for the spirit world. 

Sandra regularly communes with the spirit world, teaches, runs development circles, and writes a weekly blog. She has always enjoyed sharing knowledge and empowering others to reach their full potential.  

She also loves interacting with like-minded individuals and believes that everyone has something unique to offer. She understands that spirituality is at the forefront of mediumship development and honors her birth gift to commune with the divine.