Are you looking for a quick and effective way to improve your mediumship?

Well, one of the easiest ways to enhance your psychic senses and improve your communication is through the use of essential oils.

Essential oils don’t just smell great, they can also support our emotional well-being, mental state, physical health and strengthen our spiritual connection.

Using essential oils can raise our vibration and help us blend with spirit, surrender, and succinctly articulate messages from the other side.

For this reason, I have created a list of 27 essential oils that can address each problem area and take your mediumship to a whole new level.

27 Essential oils to increase your psychic & mediumship abilities

1. Sandalwood: Develops clairsentience & clairvoyance

Sandalwood is well-known for its grounding and calming effects on the body, mind and soul. It is considered one of the most sacred essential oils, and has the power to connect us to the divine and the spirit realm.

By using sandalwood as part of your daily meditation practise, you strengthen the link with the spirit. This essential oil is particularly beneficial for those seeking to improve their psychic abilities (clairvoyance and clairsentience) and receive clearer messages from spirit.

2. White lotus flower: Helps you blend and spiritual awaken

White lotus flowers are a symbol of purity, spiritual awakening and non-attachment. It reconnects us to the divine and promotes spiritual connection and awareness.

This essential oil stimulates the crown chakra and its main function is to transcend the self and experience oneness with consciousness, god or the divine source of creation.

Every medium should include this essential oil as part of their sitting in the power daily practice. It can help you blend with spirit, maintain the link for longer, improve comprehension and the channelling of messages from the spirit realm.

3. Lavender: Improves communicative abilities with spirit

Lavender has been used for centuries to promote relaxation, enhance concentration and aid restful sleep. As mediums, we must ensure our mind is rested, focused and sharp.

Poor sleep quality can negatively affect our cognitive abilities and lead to tension headaches or migraines. This isn’t good for our mediumship and can impair our communicative exchanges.

Lavender naturally increases blood flow and circulation in the head improving cognitive function, restoring sleep and alleviating tension headaches.

4. Sage: Reduces self doubt and improve the blend with spirit

Sage oil is highly revered for its cleansing and purifying qualities. Many psychic mediums use sage to clear out stagnated energy in their homes. But sage is also an excellent stressbuster and can calm down the nervous system. It can boost your mood, relieve depression and ease anxiety or nervousness in the body.

This is important because all the above can affect your ability to blend with the spirit communicator and lead to self-doubt. If you feel stressed or gets nervous before a reading, try using sage essential oil to manage your nerves and improve your mood.

5. Frankincense: increases spiritual connection & telepathy

Frankincense has a rich history of being used in religious and spiritual ceremonies. It is considered a sacred holy oil that raises our consciousness and helps us receive spiritual wisdom.

If can also help mediums that are struggling to clearly express into verbal or written word the message of spirit. If you are struggling to blend with spirit, telepath with spirit or accurately articulate messages from the spirit communicator, then try using Frankincense during meditations.

6. Jasmine: Develops clairsentience the psychic ability of feeling.

Jasmine has long been associated with purification of the body, mind and spirit. It does so by relieving tension in the body, improving cognitive abilities, uplifting moods and supporting sleep quality.

If you struggle to simultaneously quieten the mind, connect to spirit or want to develop clairsentience (psychic sense of feeling), try using Jasmin essential oil.

7. Orange: Boosts your energy to form a strong link with spirit

Orange is recognised for its power to uplift mood, increase energy and stimulate the immune system. If you are feeling a little under the weather and need a boost, this essential oil will do the trick. But it can also be used to support digestion, improve breathing and alleviate congestion.

8. Ylang-Ylang: Connects you to the spiritual realm

Ylang-Ylang has been used for its protective, cleansing and calming properties, as well as for increasing spiritual connection. It works wonders in releasing negative emotions or self-sabotaging thoughts which could lead to low self-esteem.

Ylang-Ylang can also strengthens our connection to the divine by harmonizing the masculine and feminine within. In doing so, we can connect to spirit guides, ascended masters or loved ones in spirit and receive divine wisdom.

9. Patchouli: Helps you blend and clearly communicate messages

Patchouli is a great option for those of you struggling to sense spirit communicators. It is linked to the sacral chakra which governs creativity, emotion, fluidity and self confidence.

These are qualities which are conducive to successfully blend and communicate with the spirit realm when in balance. Other benefits include improved mental faculties, focusing the mind and improving memory.

10. Peppermint: Keeps you focused and reduces pain or discomfort

Peppermint is a wonderful stimulant that can boost your energy levels at the end of a long day. If your mind starts to lose focus, use peppermint to refresh your mind and improve concentration. An added benefit of peppermint is that it also acts as an analgesic, reducing aches, pains or discomfort in the body.

11. Geranium rose: improves clairempathy and clairsentience

Geranium rose is associated with love, protection and acceptance. This essential oil can be used to activate the heart chakra and instil a sense of peace and relaxation.

This scent is also perfect for those wanting to develop their clairempathy and clairsentience abilities. The soothing scent of geranium rose will also calm the mind and balance overwhelming emotions.

12. Grapefruit: Stops sugar cravings and uplifts your mood.

Grapefruit has been used for centuries to stabilise sugar levels, regulate appetite and regulate curb sugar cravings. Most mediums are guilty of snacking between readings. But by using grapefruit essential oils we can kick that sugar addiction, beat fatigue and uplift your mood.

13. Lemongrass: Helps you surrender and flow with spirit

Lemongrass essential oil is helpful in reducing stress, doubt, irritability and anxiousness. As mediums, we need to feel relaxed, emotionally balanced and learn to surrender to the spirit world.

If we are worried, tense or are unable to surrender, then the communication does not flow and the link weakens. Lemongrass can help us find this balance by healing the solar plexus.

14. Blue chamomile (German): Connects you to your higher self

Blue chamomile is well-known for it calming and sedative effects, which can relax and uplift our mood. But did you know that it can connect you with your higher self, spirit guides, and loved ones in spirit?

Blue chamomile cultivates spiritual wisdom and enables us to accurately comprehend and express messages from the spirit world. This is another must-have essential oil for all psychic mediums.

15. Lemon: Calms the mind and develops clairvoyance

Lemon is known for its refreshing and uplifting aroma and for its numerous health benefits. It can activate our psychic abilities, support our cognitive functions, improve mental clarity, and combat brain fog.

When our psychic abilities are dull and our thoughts are clouded, it affects our ability to communicate with spirit. Lemon essential oil stimulates and balances the third eye chakra responsible for clairvoyance, the ability to see the past, present and future.

16. Rosemary: Removes blockages and detoxes the body, mind & soul

Rosemary has been historically used as part of religious and spiritual purification rituals. Its high in anti-oxidants and other nutrients which uplift your mood, improve cognitive abilities, sharpen memory and sooth the body.

If you are interested in detoxing your body, mind and soul, I recommend purchasing rosemary.

17. Bergamot: Brings harmony back into your mediumship

Bergamot is an excellent choice for those wanting to balance their body or mind and promote restful sleep. But it can also balance our hormones, increase energy levels and reduce aches and pains. Don’t let anything get in the way of your mediumship.

18. Clary Sage: Quieten the mind and reduce negative thoughts

Clary Sage is known for its ability to promote mental clarity and relaxation. By stimulating the circulation, it supplies oxygen to the brain which improves concentration and sharpens mind. Clary Sage can also help quieten the mind from obsessive thinking and soothe the body.

19. Rose: Instils a sense of love and releases emotional trauma

Rose has been considered the flower of love and devotion across many faiths, cultures and traditions. It is often referred to as the “queen of essential oils” as it can purify the body and open our hearts.

As mediums, we need to overcome traumatic events and release trapped emotions to spiritually grow. But it can also work on balancing our sacral chakra to boost our confidence and help us flow, and deepen our connection with the spirit realm.

20. Neroli: Uplifts and improves communication with spirit

Neroli is great at boosting our mood, combating grief, easing the feeling of depression or sadness, and instilling a sense of peace.

It can help you deal with stress and prevent worry from leading to insomnia. Remember that if we lack clarity of mind, spirit lacks clarity in their communication.

21. Basil: Reduces brain fog and promotes mindfulness

Basil is another wonderful oil which naturally reduces nausea, stress, brain fog and exhaustion. If you have been running on low reserves for sometime, this oil can help awaken the psychic senses.

Basil is calming, uplifting, energizing, promotes open mindedness and reduces mental fatigue. This one is another must-have for all practising and aspiring mediums alike.

22. Angelica: Detoxifies the body and helps with anxiety

Angelica is wonderful at purifying the body, reducing aches and fighting fatigue. It rapidly eliminates toxins, supports the respiratory tract and can improve concentration and mental fatigue.

23. Vetiver: Supports spiritual growth and mental clarity

Vetiver is known for it ability to balance the body mind and spirit. It improves brain function, concentration, clarity of mind, and reduces mental and physical stress.

This essential oil is best suited to mediums seeking emotional balance and need to ground their energy. Vetiver can balances the root chakra and addressing the shadow or negative aspects of this energy vortex.

24. Rosewood: Develops psychic abilities and assist with spiritual development

Rosewood essential oil is highly regarded for its unique ability to raise our consciousness and develop our intuitive abilities. It opens up the heart chakra and can help heal past traumatic events and overcome intense emotions such as grief and sadness.

Rosewood essential oil is thought to help us spiritually develop and instil a sense of harmony in our lives.

25. Thyme: Connects you to the divine spark within

Thyme has been used over the centuries for protection, cleansing and mental clarity. It is believed that thyme can also ward off negativity and transform negative emotions like anger and hatred into more positive ones, such as kindness and forgiveness.

Many mediums use thyme to enhance psychic abilities, evoke feelings of love, and to connect with the divine.

26. Lemon balm: Heals emotional trauma and supports spiritual growth

Lemon balm can amplify our connection with our higher self and reveal spiritual wisdom. It is often used to increase our lifeforce, heal emotional wounds, and rid ourselves from negative thoughts.

Any medium wishing to deepen trance states, automatic writing or allow spirit to blend more close will benefit from using lemon balm essential oil.

27. Myrrh: Develops clairsentience and supports spiritual growth

Myrrh has been highly regarded across many traditions for spiritual cleansing and connection to the divine.

The scent brings balance to the body, mind and soul. It can also help those feeling apathy, seeking a deeper spiritual awareness and those that wish to develop the psychic sense of clairsentience.

Final thoughts

Essential oils are a fun and easy way to develop your psychic and mediumistic abilities. They can help us spiritually develop, raise our consciousness and balance the chakras.

As discussed above the best essential oils to improve your psychic mediumship abilities include the follwing:

  1. Sandalwood: Ground, calm, clairsentience, clairvoyance
  2. White lotus flower: awaken, spirit awareness, blend with spirit
  3. Lavender: relaxation, focus, concentration, sleep
  4. Sage: cleanse, calm, uplift, manages nerves
  5. Frankincense: spiritual connection, telepathic communication
  6. Jasmine: purify, uplift, ground, clairsentience
  7. Orange: uplift, energise, brain fog and congestion
  8. Ylang-Ylang: protect, calm, cleanse, self-esteem
  9. Patchouli: creative, emotion, flow, blend with spirit, focus
  10. Peppermint: stimulate, focus, refresh, pain relief
  11. Geranium rose: clairempathy, clairsentience, love, acceptance
  12. Grapefruit: uplift, energy, cravings & addictions
  13. Lemongrass: balance, heal, relax, surrender, strong link with spirit
  14. Blue chamomile: calm, uplift, connect, wisdom
  15. Lemon: uplift, mental clarity, balance, clairvoyance
  16. Rosemary: purification, uplift, sooth, detoxify, memory
  17. Bergamot: balance, energize, balance, restful sleep
  18. Clary Sage: Mental clarity, relaxation, sharp mind
  19. Rose: heal, release trapped emotions, spiritual growth
  20. Neroli: uplift, feel peaceful, overcome grief & depression
  21. Basil: calm, uplift, energise, psychic senses, brain fog
  22. Angelica: purify, energize, detoxify, concentration
  23. Vetiver: spiritual growth, balance, mental clarity
  24. Rosewood: intuitive abilities, elevate consciousness, grief
  25. Thyme: protect, cleanse, forgive, connect with the divine
  26. Lemon balm: Spiritual growth, healing, dispel negativity.
  27. Myrrh: balance, spiritual growth, clairsentience

Simply chose one or two essential oils and incorporate them into your daily routine. You can use them during meditation or add to an essential oil diffuser to reap the benefits.

Remember to always purchase good quality essential oils and follow the recommended guidelines. I have included a list of my favourite essential oil brands below.

My top 5 recommended brands ranked in order of preference:

  1. Plant therapy
  2. Rocky Mountain Oils
  3. Young Living
  4. Edens Garden
  5. doTERRA

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  1. Very helpful information. It can be challenging to find information about spiritual uses of essential oils. I really appreciate that you put all this information together in one place.

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