Are you having dreams about your deceased pets but can’t tell if they are visitation dreams or regular dreams?

Well the key to distinguishing between the two boils down to the dream experience.

Pet visitation dreams are vivid, emotionally profound, uplifting, and feel life-like. These dreams are heartfelt exchanges between you and your pet. They usually take place at home or in their favorite spots. Your pet usually appears in the same physical form, but even if they don’t, you instantly recognize them.

1. You are filled with so much love and joy

Visitation dreams from our pets are warm and comforting. They shower us with so much love and affection that all our worries seem to melt away. Being around them fills us up with so much joy and peace that we may carry this into our waking state.

2. Your dreams are intense and feel real

Pet visitation dreams feel just like real life with all the senses kicking in. This divine experience looks real, the images a crystal clear, the colors are bright and intense, you can hear sounds or noises around you, you can detect the smell of fresh air, and you feel emotionally alive too. It is a full sensory experience, only you in the dream state. You may even have a hard time distinguishing if it really happened, or if it was a memory.

3. Your dreams are about you and your pet

During visitation dreams, our pets want to connect and interact with us. The entire dream is usually about the two of you doing things together. You may dream of spending time at home, going for a run in the local park, or sharing a sandwich together. But it is also possible for other members of the family and household pets to appear during the dream. This is your pet’s way of acknowledging family and sending them love.

4. You telepathically communicate with them

You can hear your pet’s thoughts and have telepathic conversations during visitation dreams. Even though you may not know how to do this in your waking life, we all have this ability. The conversation feels effortless, and you understand everything they say.

5. Your physical interactions feel life-like

As mentioned above, pet visitation dreams feel real. So much so that we can sense them physically touch and interact with us. We can feel them rush into our arms, feel our hands stroke their silky fur, and sense them licking our faces. Visitation dreams are multi-sensorial and will leave a lasting memory.

6. The dreams resemble their life with you

If you are expecting wild and crazy visitation dreams, think again. Our pets usually recreate dreams that are the same or similar to their experiences here on earth. They simply want to spend another day in your life doing things together. So they choose to relive their favorite memories with you.

7. The sequence of events is linear

Your pet visitation dreams follow a natural order and have a clear beginning and ending. The events logically unfold and lead from one situation to another. It may begin at home and then follow the patterns of your daily routine with them. Or it could take place at a special location that is of significant importance for you and your pet.

8. You have lucid dreams of your pet

Some pet parents experience vivid dreams when their pets come to visit. These feel different from regular dreams because you can control what happens in your dreams. This type of dream is extra special because the two of you can decide what happens next.

9. The messages are positive and clear

In visitation dreams, our deceased pets always bring through clear and positive messages from the afterlife. They want to support and guide us in our lives in any way they can. but they may also come through to tell us they are ok, to say hello, or to let us know how much they love and miss us.

10. You recognise them even if they look different

In visitation dreams, our pets usually look younger, healthy, and full of joy. But they can alter their physical appearance by changing breeds within the same species or entirely presenting themselves as a different animal. But even if they look different, we sense and know it is them. It may not make sense to our logical minds but our soul recognises theirs.

11. Your energy is uplifted during the dream

You know you have had a pet dream visitation if you wake up feeling recharged and uplifted. Our animals have a unique ability to improve our mood and support our emotional well-being. After the dream, you may feel grounded, your mind chatter will quieten, and your emotions will feel more balanced.

12. You feel their presence when you wake up

After a dream visitation, many pet parents sense, smell, hear, or even catch a glimpse of their pets upon waking. But you may feel their presence around you for several hours and even days after their visit. Next time this happens, acknowledge their presence and thank them for coming.

13. You remember every detail about the dream

Animal dream visitations always leave a lasting impression. Unlike regular dreams, you can remember everything. The feeling was so intense that you could describe every detail of the dream. You remember everything you saw, the emotions you felt, and the physical sensations you felt from the cold breeze.

14. You experience an aliveness within

Most pet parents feel an inner aliveness after reconnecting with their deceased pets. Some people sense it as an intense energy around their chest (heart chakra), whereas others may feel a vibration all over their body. This means that your encounter has raised your state of awareness.

15. You feel spiritually connected to your pet

Sometimes, our animals come through in our dreams to support our spiritual development. They may send us intuitive downloads of knowledge, help us connect with our spirit guides, develop our psychic and mediumistic abilities, and show us memories from our past lives together. By developing these spiritual gifts, we become one with universal consciousness and enjoy healthier interactions with our friends, family members, and pets.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading this post and that it was useful.

Let me know which of the above signs you have felt after dreaming about your beloved pets in heaven.

Leave a message in the comment box below, I love reading your messages.

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One Comment

  1. I was missing my cat terribly. For months I asked him to come to me in my dreams.
    He did not.
    Months later I was watching TV in bed. Suddenly this immense grief hit me so suddenly and forcefully, like a wave it washed through me..more than just a feeling. It was so sudden it could have knocked me off my feet. It was so heavy and deep..this grief. It was tangible.
    That night my cat appeared for a few seconds. He was sitting high up…like on a stool. He was surrounded by darkness.
    A soft yellow light shone on him. He slowly blinked his eyes and was gone. I think it was him..more than a dream. I wish it had been more.

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