What Is Psychometry? Test Your Intuitive Skills.

What is psychometry? Clairtangency. open object reading.

Have you ever wished that you could place your hand on an object and get insights into it? Maybe, you want to learn more about a family heirloom or a piece of jewellery you bought at a flea market.

Well, you are not alone. Psychometry has gained popularity over the years, and psychometrists are being called upon to help in different sectors.

They may support art dealers by providing details about paintings and their authenticity, aid police in crime investigations, and help homeowners choose the right home for them.

1. What is the meaning of psychometry?

Clairtangency and open object reading are other names for psychometry. The word psychometry translates as soul-measuring. This term was coined in 1842 by Joseph R Buchanan, an American Physiology professor who experimented with this psychic sense. His research revealed that people could place their hands on a vial containing a drug and accurately guess its content. The success of this experiment, among others, led him to conclude that anyone could tap into the soul of things and that we can, in fact, measure or vibration or soul of objects.

2. How do you know if you have psychometric abilities?

Those beginning to explore this gift may fail to notice the subtleness of physic powers. Some people may be aware of their abilities, but their analytical minds may cause them to doubt or question their perceptions. The easiest way to test your ability is to touch an item belonging to a friend or family member and see if any impression comes through. You might receive an image, a sound, a feeling, an emotion, a taste or a smell. If so, you may have psychometric skills. On the other hand, if you didn’t perceive anything, do not worry this skill may take time to develop. Instead, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you avoid crowded or unfamiliar places because they make you feel worried?
  • Do you worry about other people not maintaining physical boundaries?
  • Does the energy of cluttered spaces make you feel anxious or stressed?
  • Does visiting a charity shop selling second-hand items make you feel agitated or uncomfortable?

If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of the above, you might be a psychometrist. However, some people do not initially perceive anything until the other psychic abilities are developed. Psychometry depends on the other clair senses to process information received through touch. Even if the above statements do not resonate with you, try sharpening the other clairs before discarding this power off your list.

3. Which objects give the best readings.

During readings, it is common for people to bring pictures of a loved one, ancient artefacts or jewellery items such as watches. Any item can absorb energy, but some materials store it better. For instance, crystals are particularly good at capturing the energy and retaining the vibration long after a person has crossed over.

Crystal watches, ruby rings or pearl earrings are great examples. Always pick a treasured item your loved one regularly used. It ensures the object is infused with their energy and maximises the potential number of impressions a psychic medium can receive. Avoid randomly choosing a personal belonging and resist cleansing it.

4. Is it possible to try psychometry without being psychic?

Psychometry was once considered a gift of the few. But many researchers such as Mario Varvoglis believed otherwise. Indeed, we all have the potential to perceive information telepathically by placing our hands on an object and focusing our attention on it. In fact, as children, we began exploring the world using the sense of touch.

Our hands alone contain over 25,000 nerve endings that receive information as tactile feedback. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise that we can sense far more beyond the physical sensation. This tactile experience can also be extrasensory and intuit energetic vibrations. However, as we approach adulthood, our rational minds take over and, we forget about our intuitive sense of touch. But our hands are extensions of the chakra system and directly tied to our psychic abilities. These are birth gifts that we all possess and can access at any time. You do not need to be a psychic but, if your abilities are dormant, you may need some help reawakening them.

5. Test your psychometry skills

Are you interested in trying out this psychic ability from the comfort of your own home? If so, you can get started by following the step by step approach below:


1. We want our hands to feel cleansed and fresh before we start.

2. Find a quiet and comfortable location, free of distractions.


3. Sit in a relaxed position with your eyes closed and allow your energy to draw inwards. Place your hands over your heart and relax the breath.

4. Whilst keeping your eyes closed, ask someone to place an object in your hands. It should be a possession that someone regularly uses that you have not seen before.

5. As soon as you touch the object, start sharing any impressions that come through.

  • What can you sense about the person who owns the object?
  • What can you perceive about their character?
  • Are they friendly, intelligent, innovating, inspirational or maybe witty? What are their hobbies?
  • Do they enjoy fishing, water sports, yoga, signing?
  • What is their profession?
  • Are they an accountant, a farmer, a shop assistant, an actor?
  • Open yourself up, feel into the insights and say what you perceive.

6. Staying with the feeling see if you can receive anything else about the person.

  • Are there any sensations in the body, such as physical ailments?
  • Maybe you feel back pain, a headache or heart problems.
  • Do any feelings come up?
  • Is the person happy, stressed or anxious?
  • Do you see any images, sounds, words, smells or tastes?
  • If so, what are they, what is their importance? Remember to share what comes through, do not filter or change any of the information as this usually distorts it.

7. Now try going deeper. You may receive an image that appears out of the blue and instantly disappears. As you receive this impression, imagine moving it down towards your abdomen. Then allow the sense of feeling to envelop the image. What additional information comes thoroughly? This step is the hardest but provides more specific and detailed information about the object.

Note: If you are struggling to receive any psychic impressions try rubbing the palms of your hands against each other for approximately thirty seconds to activate the energetic centre. Then go back and start at step 3.


8. Once you have finished, ask the person for feedback on what was shared. How accurate were your impressions? Did you correctly guess the owner of the object, their character, hobbies or profession? Were you able to tap into the sense of feeling and reveal details about their physical, mental or emotional state? Perhaps you sensed unique information about the item by going deeper through your feelings. However, not everyone gets results straight away. It is important to remember that we all have a unique blend of abilities. It may come naturally to some people, but for others, it requires practice.

Feedback should be an integral part of your practice. It helps us discover areas where we excel and those that need further development. Receiving feedback is sometimes difficult to hear and can make us feel down. We don’t always get it right and may be having a bad day. We should not take this personally because, in the long run, regular feedback can improve accuracy.

Final thoughts

As we have seen, psychometry can offer a range of insights about the world around us. It can help us sense the energy of a place or an object and reveal its secrets. We learn to interact with the world beyond the five senses and open ourselves up to the subtle energies around us. In doing so, we connect to higher states of consciousness and aid our psychic abilities.

You can repeat the exercise above multiple times with different objects and people. For those interested in sharing the gift, try organising a psychometric get-together. Remember to have fun and share what you receive. Your level of accuracy improves over time.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.
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