Reconnect with loved ones in spirit

Receive messages, guidance, healing, and spiritual insights from your family and friends in the afterlife.

Mediumship Consultations

mediumship Consultations

During a mediumship reading, I wholeheartedly connect with your loved ones in spirits to bring through meaningful messages from the afterlife. I provide specific details about their personality, career, family dynamics, health, relationship, or any other area your loved one wants to discuss.

My readings are known for their accuracy, depth, and the kinds of specific information I bring through. 

Each reading includes at least one meaningful message to help you and other family members feel closer to them. The sessions comfort us and offer guidance to help us live our lives to our fullest potential. 

My clients say that my warm, sincere, and friendly nature creates a loving and supportive atmosphere that makes them feel at ease.

And although each session is unique, they are all emotionally charged. So, if you want to reconnect with a loved one to find closure, comfort, guidance, or support during their grieving process, this is the reading for you. 

Who should get a Mediumship Reading?

Anyone who wants to..
  • Reconnect with loved ones in spirit.
  • Receive support and guidance. 
  • Find comfort and healing.
  • Seek closure or forgiveness. 
  • Share their experience of loss.
  • Get advice or guidance from the afterlife.
  • Share things that were left unsaid.
  • Receive a response to unanswered questions. 
  • Get validation of an afterlife.
  • Understand the signs from loved ones in spirit.

How Does The Consultation Work?

During the mediumship consultation, I elevate my frequency to that of the spirit world and bring through evidence and messages from your loved ones in the afterlife.

Your loved ones decide to communicate during the session and I will channel messages on their behalf. Sometimes there will be multiple communicators while other times you may just hear from one.

This depends on the duration of the session and their communication need. 

Best Mediumship Reading Sessions

Book your Mediumship session

60 Minute Session: Best for new clients or those seeking In-depth mediumship readings with 2 or 3 communicators.

30 Minute Session: Ideal for returning clients or those wanting and In-depth reading with one spirit person.

Once you have scheduled a mediumship consultation you will receive a confirmation email with a Zoom link for our online session. 

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs About Mediumship Sessions

A mediumship reading is a wonderful and healing experience for those individuals wanting to communicate and exchange messages with loved ones in spirit.

The medium acts as a conduit between the physical and spirit realms. In doing so, they can receive messages, guidance, and answers from those who have crossed over.

I am a Trance Evidential mediums. This allows her to closely connect with loved ones in the afterlife and share concrete evidence and messages from the afterlife.

I may share details about any aspect of your loved ones’ life; including their name, personality, occupation, hobbies, family life, and friends, or discuss their health issues. 

But one thing is always constant. Our family and friends want to reconnect with us because their loved ones transcend into the afterlife. 

Each reading is unique and based on their heartfelt desire to communicate and support us in our daily lives. 

During a mediumship session, the person with the greatest need will come through to deliver a message for your highest good. This can be a family member, a friend, a colleague, or an acquaintance.

Most of the time the communicator is the person we wish to reconnect with, but there is no guarantee. Our loved ones in spirit also have free will.

A reading can consist of one or multiple spirit communicators.  So just because they do not come through straight away, does not mean they will not come through later in the reading.

It is common to receive contact between one and three individuals during a session. But this depends on the number of loved ones that feel the need to communicate.

Sometimes they may simply want to be acknowledged during the reading without the need to share any messages.

Throughout this process, I will ask that you to say ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘I don’t know’ after each statement. It is also important that you don’t give me any information about your loved one or engage in a conversation until the end. As in doing so, the link between the physical and Spirit Realms can weaken, or I might not get the chance to prove that I am connecting with a cherished family member or friend.

If you have any questions along the way please write them down as there will be a segment at the end where you can ask questions. More often than not, your questions are usually answered during the contact.  

You can choose between 30-minute or 60-minute readings. If you are a new client, I recommend booking a 60-minute session, as the consultations can get emotional. 

For those individuals wanting to communicate with one spirit person, you can book the 30-minute session. But if you wish to receive messages from 2 or more people in the afterlife, then you would need to book a 60-minute consultation. 

The best way to prepare for the reading is to relax and open yourself up to the experience. You can choose to do a five or ten-minute meditation before the session to get into a relaxed state.

It is also important to find a quiet and comfortable space where you will not be interrupted so that you can get the most out of the session.

IMPORTANT: Please do not consume any intoxicating substances before the consultation as this can affect the reading. 

Yes, I am bilingual, so I offer readings in English and Spanish.
